Evening Programs
Dress Code
Day 1
11th May 2023
DG’s Welcome Cocktail
Friendship Park
Festive Attire (White)
Day 2
12th May 2023
District Award Dinner
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Black Tie
Day 3
13th May 2023
Inauguration dinner and ceremony
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Cultural Attire (Kenyan & Ethiopian)
Pre-Conference – Wednesday 10th May 2023
Activity (Self Sponsored)
Responsible Person
10 AM to 4 PM
DCA Golf Tournament
PDG Patrick Obath/ Flawless Events
Addis Ababa Golf Club
7 PM to 8 PM
Golf Tournament Prize with dinner
PDG Patrick Obath/ Flawless Events
Addis Ababa Golf Club
DAY 1 – Thursday, 11th May 2023
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Youth Entrepreneurs Business Forum
PDG Eric Kimani / Rtn Ephrem
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Arrivals & Registration
DCA Organizing team
Elilly Int Hotel
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Club Officers Training Seminar (COTS)
DTE Tito Tadeo Waititu
Elilly 2-3 Breakout rooms
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
District Governors’ Council Meeting
PDG Richard Omwella/ DG Azeb
Asrat / DS Betelehem Zerihun |
Elilly Breakout room
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Ceremonial Book Donation
DCA Organizing Team
DG’s Welcome Cocktail
Venue: Friendship Park
Dress Code: Festive Attire (White)
Outdoor: Warm clothes are highly advisable
6:30 PM - 6:35 PM
DG’s Welcome Cocktail &
Recognition of Senior Rotarians
MC Yoseph Fantu (TM)
Friendship Park
6:35 PM – 6:38 PM
Welcome remarks
DCA Chair Samrawit Moges
Friendship Park
6:38 PM – 6:40 PM
Introduction of DGN
DCA Chair Samrawit Moges
Friendship Park
6:40 PM – 6:45 PM
Introduction of DGE
DGN Joe Kamau
Friendship Park
6:40 PM – 6:47 PM
Who is our DG?
DGE Leonard Ithau
Friendship Park
6:47 PM – 7:00 PM
Opening remarks
DG Azeb Asrat
Friendship Park
7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Cocktail, Entertainment & Networking
Friendship Park
DAY 2 – Friday, 12th May 2023
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Ongoing Registration
DCA Organizing Team
Elilly Int. Hotel
Welcoming Marsh Band
DCA Organizing Team
Elilly Int. Hotel
Welcoming of Delegates & VIPs
DCA Organizing Team
Elilly Conference Hall
9:00 AM – 9:05 AM
Call to order and recognition of protocol
MC PP Ethiopis Tadesse
Elilly Conference Hall
9:05 AM – 9:07 AM
Rotary Grace
PP Anne Mbogore
Elilly Conference Hall
9:07 AM – 9:10 AM
Rotary 4-way Test
PAG Hanna Abebe
Elilly Conference Hall
9:10 AM – 9:25 AM
Flag Ceremony & National Anthem
MC PP Ethiopis Tadesse, DJ
Elilly Conference hall
9:25 AM – 9:30 AM
Welcome remarks & Introduction of the DCA committee
DCA Chair Samrawit Moges
Elilly Conference Hall
9:30 AM – 9:33 AM
Introduction of DGN
DCA Chair Samrawit Moges
Elilly Conference Hall
9:33 AM – 9:36 AM
Introduction of DGE
DGN Dr. Joe Kamau
Elilly Conference Hall
9:36 AM – 9:39 AM
Who is our DG?
DGE Leonard Ithau
Elilly Conference Hall
9:40 AM – 9:55 AM
Welcome Remarks & Introduction of the Invited Government Dignitary
DG Azeb Asrat
Elilly Conference Hall
9:55 AM – 10:05 AM
High Government official Key note speaker
HE FDRE P. Sahle-Work Zewde / HE Dr Lia Tadesse
Elilly Conference Hall
10:05 AM – 10:10 AM
Vote of Thanks
PDG Teshome Kebede
Elilly Conference Hall
10:10 PM – 10:15 AM
Introduction of the RI President Personal Representative
PCC Seble Hailu
Elilly Conference Hall
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Message from RI President
PDG Lawrence Okwor, RI President
Personal Representative
Elilly Conference Hall
10:30 AM – 10:33 AM
Introduction of DRR
DRRE Nancy Njeri
Elilly Conference Hall
10:33 AM – 10:40 AM
Remarks by DRR
DRR Lydia Lukera
Elilly Conference Hall
10:40 AM – 10:50 AM
Rotary as a life style
PDG Joe Otin
Elilly Conference Hall
10:50 AM – 11:00 AM
MC PP Ethiopis Tadesse & SAA
Elilly Conference Hall
Official group photograph (with DG, RIPRR, officials)
DCA Organizing Team
11:20 AM - 12: 05 PM
Energizing Africa: The future of Youth & Female Leadership Transformation
(Moderated Panel Discussion)
Moderator: Dr Salome Gitoho Panelists: PDG Kenneth Mugisha, PP Dr Teguest Girma, PP Dr. Anne Vanlauwe, PE Kennedy Gaya
Elilly Conference Hall
12:05 PM – 12:10 PM
Elilly Conference Hall
12:10 PM - 12:25 PM
Vote of thanks to all guests and speakers
PP Yemane Bisrat
Elilly Conference Hall
Gift to Guest Speakers
Led by PP Yemane Bisrat / DG Azeb
Elilly Conference Hall
12:25 PM – 12:30 PM
SAA / MC PP Ethiopis Tadesse
Elilly Conference hall
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Tree Planting
CC Henock Alemayehu
Venue: Sheraton Addis Hotel (Sponsored by Abyssinia Bank S.Co.)
Dress Code: Black Tie
6:30 PM
Arrival of guests / Entertainment
DCA Organizing Team
Sheraton Addis Hotel
7:00 PM – 7:05 PM
Call to order
MC Yoseph Fantu & PN Ruth Munyi
Sheraton Addis Hotel
7:05 PM – 7:10 PM
Loyal Toast
Vice DCA Chair Essayas Yessuswork
Sheraton Addis Hotel
7:10 PM – 7:25 PM
Welcome remarks & the importance of recognition in Rotary
PDG Vice Governor Patrick Obath & PDG Eric Kimani
Sheraton Addis Hotel
7:25 PM – 8:00 PM
Dinner & Entertainment
DCA Organizing Team
Sheraton Addis Hotel
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
DCA Awards Announcement
MC Yoseph Fantu & PN Ruth Munyi
Sheraton Addis Hotel
8 PM - 10 PM
MC & DG Azeb
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Category 1: Club Excellence Award (Membership, Project, TRF Donation)
Awarding by – Senior Rotarians
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Category 2: Outstanding Rotarian Excellence Award Trophy
Awarding by – DG Azeb
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Category 3: Individual Non-Rotarians Excellence Award
Awarding by – Senior Rotarians
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Category 4: Sponsors Recognition
Awarding by – DG Azeb
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Group Dance competition
Rotaract DCA chair Mekdes
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Rotaract winner Award
DRR Lidya Lukera
Sheraton Addis Hotel
Closing remarks
DG Azeb Asrat
Sheraton Addis Hotel
All Country Chairs D9212
Sheraton Addis Hotel
DAY 3 – Saturday, 13th May 2022
Responsible Person
7:30 AM
Arrival of delegates & VIPS
DCA Organizing Team
Elilly Conference Hall
8:30 AM
Ethiopian Tourism Promotional Video II
DCA Organizing Team
Elilly Conference Hall
9:00 AM – 9:05 AM
Call to order
MC PN Ruth Munyi
Elilly Conference Hall
Rotary Grace
MC PN Ruth Munyi
Elilly Conference Hall
Loyal toast
Elilly Conference hall
9:05 AM – 9:08 AM
Introducing RI str relationship manager
PCC Nebeyu Asferachew
Elilly Conference hall
9:09 AM – 9:15 AM
Post-Polio Rotary intervention: Nutrition
Rtn Amanda Ottman
Elilly Conference hall
9:15 AM – 9:40 AM
The Rotary Foundation & Global Grants
Rtn. Elizabeth Nganga & Mr. Peter
Elilly Conference Hall
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
10:00 AM – 10:05 AM
Vote of thanks to Guest speaker
PCC Nebeyu Asferachew
Elilly Conference Hall
10:05 AM – 10:20 AM
My Year as DRR
DRR Lydia Lukera
Elilly Conference Hall
10:20 AM – 10:50 AM
My year as DG & Introducing DGN-D
DG Azeb Asrat
Elilly Conference Hall
10:50 AM – 10:55 AM
Elilly Conference Hall
10:55 AM – 11:05 AM
Invitation of RIPPR for his final remarks
PCC Seble Hailu
Elilly Conference Hall
Final Remarks by Rotary International President
Elilly Conference Hall
11:05 AM – 11:10 AM
Special Vote of thanks to RIPPR
Rtn Misrak
Elilly Conference Hall
11:10 AM – 11:45 AM
Final remarks & Welcoming the 2023/24 DCA Chair Rtn Sarah Migwi
Vice DCA Chair Essayas
Elilly Conference Hall
Promotion of DCA 2024
The 99th DCA Chair Sarah Migwi
Elilly Conference Hall
11:45 AM -11:50 AM
SAA or MC Rtn Ruth
Elilly Conference Hall
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Explore Addis Visit (Self Sponsored)
DCA Organizing Team
Unity Park
(In honors of DRRE, DGE, DGNN and PE’s)
Venue: Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa (Sponsored by Ethiopian Air Lines)
Dress Code: Cultural Attire (Kenyan & Ethiopian)
7 PM
Arrival of Guests
DCA Organizing Team
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
7:30 PM
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
8 PM – 10 PM
Introducing the 2023/24 DRR
DRR Lydia Lukera
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Handover of chain of office to 2023/24 DRR
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Introducing the 2023/24 DGE
DG Azeb Asrat
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Handover of chain of office to 2023/24 DG
RIPPR to DG Leonard Ithau
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
PIN DGE Dr. Joe Kamau
2023/24 DG Leonard Ithau
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
2023/24 DGE Dr. Joe Kamau
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
RI theme & game plan for 2023/24
2023/24 DRR Nancy
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
District theme & game plan for 2023/24
DG 2023/24 Leonard Ithau
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Installation Ceremony
DGE & DRRE Installation
Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa
Program to be communicated to all responsible person
Transport Arrangements
- Airport transfer to and from hotel should be self-arranged by participants (Most hotels provide shuttle services).
- Transport will be arranged from; o Ellily International Hotel to Official Events (Book donation & Tree planting). o Partner hotels (as listed on the event website) to conference venue.
o Partner hotels (as listed on the event website) to official evening events (Friendship Park, Sheraton Addis Hotel & Skylight Hotel) and back.